Teacher from Ghana Uses a Blackboard to Teach His Students Microsoft Word
Because they have no access to computers in the area, the teacher improvised and drew Microsoft Word on the blackboard instead.
In many parts of the world, many schools are not as privileged as American and first-world countries are. While first-world schools have massive libraries at the disposal of students, some countries barely have books to teach children with.
A teacher tries hard to make IT easy for pupils. He draws virtually everything on the board because there are no computers.
Follow Back (@irepghana) February 19, 2018
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Fortunately, there are teachers who would do anything and everything just to give their students the education they deserve. One teacher from Ghana received much praise after photos of him teaching his students about Microsoft Word went viral.
A post by a teacher in
Ghana has gone viral has won the
of many people, thanks to his unusual & improvised method of teaching Info & Comm Tech) without a computer! Now this is a dedicated teacher preparing his students for the world.
#edtech #INSPIRATIONALSUNDAY pic.twitter.com/dodi8CCzMK
— Elaina Stanley
(@TechnoBabble14) February 25, 2018
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Owura Kwadwo, originally from Kumasi, Ghana, teaches ICT (Information and Communications Technology) to a students at a school in Ghana—with no actual computers around.
Endearing photo (from #Ghana). A teacher recreates the Microsoft @Office Word GUI on a black board for his students. A teacher does his very best.
We need an education that opens the world up for kids best as we can, letting them populate it with dreams, awaiting opportunity. pic.twitter.com/kxUvHMRnHp
— Richard Ali. (@richardalijos) February 23, 2018
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Having studied visual arts, Owura decided to put his skills to good use when teaching the creation of a Word document, by drawing a complete screenshot on the chalkboard for his students to copy and learn from. “I do it to make my students understand what I‘m teaching,” he said. “At least to give a picture of what they will see assuming they were behind a computer.”
His method seems to work well, as the kids enjoy his classes a lot and are able to learn effectively. “I do make sure they understand everything well before they leave the class.”
The teacher’s hard work quickly picked up admirers around the world. Social media users were quick to praise Owura for his determination. Technology is fast evolving, and Owura’s efforts and commitment are a good example for teachers in developing countries like Ghana, when sometimes a bit of improvisation is needed to fill the gaps that governments are unable to provide.
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